Recueil de partitions de l’album « Eternité »
10 pièces pour harpe solo
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Last Prayer
One more time, I see you in my mind Stood by the riverside, moon shinning in your eyes Ohh one more time, I leave my fears behind Let everything subside, I’m at your side One more time, I step across the line Knowing what I will find, only when I’m with you Ohh one more time, everything will be fine Nothing can change my mind, know that it’s true One more time, I see the grand design Among the stars that shine, that’s where we both belong Ohh one more time, I let my thoughts unwind Know you are always mine, so beautifully strong Oh it feels so right, here in your arms tonight You set my soul alight, like you were always there So easily, you let my spirit free Now you will forever, be my last prayer